Sadhana 12: Solo-C – Ejaculation Control. The PC Perineum Press

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imageedit_27_8073236466 Preparation for stimulation of the kanda (कन्द) internally does require some preparation prior to the ritual, and I describe the hygiene and preparation in another module. Intentional firm rhythmic pulsing pressure on the Kanda Spot is highly pleasurable if practiced with skill, tenderness, and sensitivity. Combining stimulation of liṅgam (लिङ्गम्) and the Kanda Spot at the same time can be an incredibly ecstatic experience, and I include that technique in several of the homoerotic Tantra (तन्त्र) rituals. male pubococcygeus There is evidence from medical research that suggests that massage of the kanda (कन्द) is beneficial for male genitourinary health; there is also a Harvard long-term study that reports a lower incidence of prostate disease in men who ejaculate multiple times in a month. While that is all good news, and I wanted to get that statement out of the way, our primary focus is developing the skills necessary to correctly and pleasurably stimulate kanda (कन्द) externally from the Kanda Spot. For more detailed information and the full-text module, please join us at Homoerotic Yogic Tantra for Men, and follow the on-screen instructions for access to the site.

It would be very helpful and generous if you were to leave a comment about your insights and thoughts inspired by today’s text. Please use the Comment feature below to leave your comment/remarks for us to read and reflect on.

Dāka Karuṇā T. (William) दाक करुणा तान्त्रिक

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥ Oṃ śānti, śānti, śāntiḥ || Peace to you in body, heart-mind, and spirit!

Of course, if you have any questions or need personal guidance, please contact me.



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Daka’s Aside

I write extensively on men’s health and sexuality and the connection between mind-body and spirit. You can find much of my published commentary on Health Web Magazine, under Men’s Health. For further reflection… Visit and follow the 108 Days of Reflection & Meditation, and request access to the Homoerotic Tantra for Men site. Into the outdoors and nature? Join our partner group, Gay Kilters Hiking & Backpacking.