Sadhana 16: Solo-C – PC Training. Pelvic Rocking

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Exercise: Pelvic Rocking 

When we discuss sensory stimulation, we must also include what we call the kinesthetic senses, that is, the perceptions we receive from sensing of position and movement.[1] Kinesthetic erotosensuality takes advantage of a man’s sensitivity to movement of his or his Tāntric Lover’s body, the two bodies coming together, the energies of the bodies moving. In homoerotic tantric sādhana (साधन) ecstasy include movements. Another example of erotic kinesthetics is erotosensual dance movements as part of homoerotic ritual foreplay. pelvic rock clock anim Homoerotic kinesthetics is one area where we can introduce the notion of trancelike experience. The man who experiences Erotic Trance as his primary homoerotic style is focused on a kinesthetic erotosensual experience with his Tantric Lover. He may prefer celebrating the homoerotic rituals in private, safe settings, where the risk of distraction is minimum. He prefers intentional, repetitive touch from a gentle, non-intrusive partner. This helps him focus inward on his erotic needs and desires, on his deeper sensuality. To such a Tantric Lover, talking is a distraction from the immersion he’s desiring, experiencing, savoring. He’s likely to want any conversation limited to feedback about where and how to touch him. Effective Erotic Trance means being completely immersed in and absorbed in the celebration of lālanapāḷaṇa (लालनपाळण) the erotic “performance,” and unaware of, and indifferent to anything external to the moment; it’s an erotic Eternal Now experience. The Tantric Lover might experience a sensation of leaving the body — ecstasy or “stepping out —, of being “in another place,” of floating, or perhaps even a sort of hallucinatory sensation or being in an alternate dimension.
NOTES: [1] Kinesthetic is defined as relating to a person’s awareness of the position and movement of the parts of the body by means of sensory organs (proprioceptors) in the muscles and joints. For more detailed information and the full-text module, please join us at Homoerotic Yogic Tantra for Men, and follow the on-screen instructions for access to the site.

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Dāka Karuṇā T. (William) दाक करुणा तान्त्रिक

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥ Oṃ śānti, śānti, śāntiḥ || Peace to you in body, heart-mind, and spirit!

Of course, if you have any questions or need personal guidance, please contact me.



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Daka’s Aside

I write extensively on men’s health and sexuality and the connection between mind-body and spirit. You can find much of my published commentary on Health Web Magazine, under Men’s Health. For further reflection… Visit and follow the 108 Days of Reflection & Meditation, and request access to the Homoerotic Tantra for Men site. Into the outdoors and nature? Join our partner group, Gay Kilters Hiking & Backpacking.